‘Pyaro Sathi’ is a most beautiful song by Ahnaahad Band which is made by 4 members. This song is recorded at ‘Rec Sutdio’. Lyrics and music of this song ‘Pyaro Sathi’ are written and composed by Mr. Dev gurung which is firstly uploaded in YouTube from ‘songsnepal.com’. In the music video, Sabin Kapali, Ashma Thapa, Naren Dyola, Buddha Gurung, Sushil Pradhananga and Krishna Karmacharya are featuring. The director of this music video is Rupesh Sunuwar and cinematographer is Prazdniq Awasthi and Biruchan Sunuwar. ‘Pyaro Sathi’ is digitally mixes and mastred by Sunit Kansakar. In this band, Dev Gurung as a vocalist as well as guitarist, Suk Gurung is a guitarist, Pradip Gurung as a drumer and Bipin Magar see the bass.
In the video, boy like his best friend a lady but unable to say the feelings. They become closer and closer day-by-day. They go for see the pictures, spend most of the time at parks, hotels, resturants and other beautiful places. While boy is ready for saying his feelings and pick up a rose to give her, she show the ring in her hand before that boy said his feelings. See the video; Below for more information
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